shahid_rahmanNO-ARGUMENTS Denials, Refutations, Negations and the Constitution of Arguments
(Argumenter avec le NON Dénégation, réfutation, négation et la notion de Argument) Shahid Rahman (université de Lille, UMR: 8163, STL)
La conférence de Shahid Rahman, dans le cadre du projet ADA, a lieu le jeudi 30 juin, de 14 à 17h, à la MESHS, salle Baïetto.
Elle porte sur le rôle de la négation dans l'argumentation.
The main aim of this lecture is to study acts of denials (the dual of acts of assertion) and negation-operators in argumentation contexts. In fact I would like to explore the systematic process by the means of which an act of denial (such as denying that a given sentence f holds) launches an argumentation process and how it relates to a sentence building negation- operator (such as ~f ) - the latter can be subject of an act of denial and constitute the main claim of a subsequent argument. S. Rahman.