The main theme of the conference is Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. Institutions are considered here in their broader sense, including social representations, norms, rules of the game, collective action processes and power dimensions, forms and types of exploitation, informal and formal organizations, referring at large to governance aspects and dealing with the large spectrum of topics developed in the field of Ecological Economics. Abstracts and papers articulating social and environmental questions would be particularly appreciated.
Relevant dates and deadlines :
Proposals for special sessions : 15 October 2012
Notification of acceptance of special sessions : 31 October 2012
Submission of abstracts for papers and posters : 30 November 2012
Notification of acceptance of papers and posters : 15 February 2013
Early registration : 4 March 2013
Final paper due : 6 May 2013
Deadline for presenters registration : 6 May 2013
Pre-conference workshop (Reims) : 17-18 June 2013
Policy event (Brussels) : 18 June 2013
Conference (Lille) : 18-21 June 2013