ISI-MESHS “Interdisciplinarity – structuring – internationalisation”
Since January 2017, thanks to the funding of the region Hauts-de-France regional council and as a part of the planning contract between the region and the State (“Contrat plan Etat-région” or CPER), the MESHS has been implementing its ISI-MESHS project. After a first phase from 2007 to 2013, the MESHS has entered in 2017 in a consolidation phase with this project designed to reinforce its research actions that includes three parts:
1. Increasing interdisciplinary research (systematic call for projects, development of digital humanities and reinforcement of scientific dissemination and mediation)
2. Structuring humanities networks (creating synergy among existing actors, implementing a skill registry of regional scholars in HSS, consolidating valorisation and transfer of academic and scientific results)
3. Internationalising research and communication (increasing institutional support for international projects, implementing a strategy for international communication)
By spearheading these (new or reinforced) activities, the MESHS re-affirms its action of structuring and spreading research in humanities in the Hauts-de-France region. Moreover, this project will consolidate and deepen the connection between humanities and other sciences, as between humanities and economic, political and public stakeholders.