The Short-Term Research Fellowships Program Humanities & Social Sciences Call 2020 received 10 eligible applications for a global amount of € 33,307 requested. Only one application was not eligible.
MESHS allowed 6 grants. The foreigner researchers coming in 2020 are hosted by HSS laboratories of Hauts-de-France in order to achieve two-four weeks researches missions. The researchers come from Argentina, South Korea, Morocco, USA and Malaysia.
Programs of these mobility hosting periods are rich and offer i.g. seminars and lectures, data collecting, archives consultation or even preparation of application for national and international funding.
Laureates 2020
Pablo Luis Manili, professor of constitutional law, is a specialist of comparative public law at Buenos Aires University (Argentina). He is hosted into CRDP laboratory by Jean-Philippe Derosier, professor of public law at University of Lille. They will work, in particular, on the study of rights and liberties guaranties in the French and European systems.
Mason Richey, international relationships associated professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,Seoul (South Korea) does a three weeks stay to work on cyber security issues for the national cooperation. Mason Richey is hosted by Etienne Peyrat (contemporary history lecturer and teacher at IEP of Lille) into IRHiS laboratory and will have the opportunity to exchange with colleagues from others laboratories and institutions who works on the same issues.
Ahmed El Ghini, econometric lecturer at the faculty of juridical, economical and socials sciences of Mohammed V de Rabat University (Morocco) is hosted by Nicolas Debarsy (CNRS econometric research officer) during four weeks into LEM laboratory. They work together on environment economy research project and organize an international conference on this related topic.
Gabor Orozs, psychology department researcher of Standford university, works in collaboration with Camilla Amoura, psychology lecturer at Artois university, into UREPSS laboratory. A four weeks stay with Sherpa team allows them to initiate the set up of a wide scale survey about concerns and barriers university felt by the Hauts-de-France students.
Flavia Macías, history researcher at Conicet à l’Instituto de historia Argentina y Americana de Buenos Aires (Argentina) is hosted by Véronique Hebrard into CECILLE laboratory (university of Lille) for three weeks. They conduct together researches about post-wars periods in Americas.
Poon Wai Ching, economy professor at university of Malaysia, does his two weeks’ research stay into LEM laboratory, with Mazur Miesko, finance professor. This new collaboration will allow them to cross their complementary expertizes in order to conduct financial technologies emergent researches (more precisely about crypto money) .