A l'occasion du bicentenaire de la naissance de Herman Melville, deux manifestations majeures dont une en France, ont cours durant l'année 2019. Ainsi le colloque international " Melville's Meaures " a lieu du 17 au 19 octobre : les 17 et 18 octobre à Lille, le 19 octobre à Paris.
L'inscription gratuite, est requise.
Le colloque se déroule en anglais.
The aim of this conference is to take measure of Melville's grappling with the measureless by surveying the various sets of gauging, computing, measuring instruments designed to circumscribe and contain it. We may wonder whether Melville's works amount to an irregular system of sorts or whether measures are bound to anagrammatically “erase sums.” In what sense do they unsettle and even subvert “the art of measuring” advocated by Newton in his Preface to Principia Mathematica? To what extent are they doomed to be appropriated as canonical criteria by academe? If measures re-assume the part once played by a unique lost paradigm, what will result from their multiplication? Or, in Melville's own words, “If Luther's day expand to Darwin's year / Shall that exclude the hope—foreclose the fear?” (Clarel)