- EN
- FR
In a few days :
You won't have to use your old account on the collaborative platform anymore to log in.
You'll be able to use your institutional account to log in (digital identity)
This operation requires a transitional phase to match your institutional email address with the address provided on the Collaborative Platform.
• February 21 :
Maintenance of the Collaborative Platform
(it'll be offline the whole day on February 21)
After maintenance :
• from February 22 to June 2 :
As soon as you will log in with your old account on the Collaborative Platform, you'll have to correct your previous email address with your institutional email, or the one of your CRU account. (the old and new authentication methods are available during this period).
• after June 3 :
You'll only be able to log in with your institutional digital identity.
When you are accessing the Platform :
- Choose « institutional account »
- A list of institutions is available, choose yours, or type some letters of its name
- ( log in on your institutional website )*
- Congratulations, you are connected !
* : if you are already logged in on one of your institutional service, you will not have to log in again.
Most French and international institutions provide their collaborators with email addresses, these accounts can also be used to verify a digital identity, via the eduGAIN federation.
The eduGAIN inter-federation service connects identity federations around the world, simplifying access to content, services and resources for the global research and education community. This service is provided since 2011 by GEANT, the European network for research.
Most research French and international institutions are now included into eduGAIN
(by example : CNRS, University of Lille, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Artois University, University of the Littoral Opal Coast, University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis).
The Renater federation is a part of eduGAIN. Existing for more than 25 years, Renater is, in France, a reference player in education / research infrastructure. Among the services offered, the Renater federation allows a single authentication to a multitude of services.
These are the services that the Collaborative Platform joins today.
You can verify than your institution is part of eduGAIN of this website :
You are working for an institution or an association who is not into the Renater or eduGAIN federation ?
This is not a problem : Renater offers another service called "Universal Network Account" (or CRU account).
You can create this account here :
with the email account used of the Collaborative Platform.
When you will log in on the Collaborative Platform, you will have to choose « compte CRU (or CRU account) » in the list of the institutions.
- « How does centralized authentication work ? »
When you access the platform, you'll choose your institution in the federation, then you'll log in in this institution, the institution send the successful authentication to the platform.
- « Does that change the way we use private data ? »
No, only the smallest data (name, first name, email) are kept on the Collaborative Platform to keep your access secure and to identify the file's authors. The centralized authentication only checks your identity in your institution.
- « Is the centralized authentication a security risk ? »
No, on the contrary, it's your institution who certifies that you are really the one who has the access.
- « What are the advantages of this solution ? »
You won't have to keep multiples accounts.
You won't have to log in again if you are already using another service of your institution that required you to log in.
- « How to add new users ? »
When you invite a new user on the platform, please fill the mail with their institutional address (or with the address used to create the CRU account for external staff).
- « What happens if I don't have verify my email address before my old account is disable ? »
In this case, please contact us at this email address, the operation might take a bit more time to be done.
- « What happens if my institution is currently merging with an other one? »
Please check that your new institution is on
http://edugain.meshs.info to choose the more suitable institutional email address
(by example : firstname.lastname @ univ-lille.fr instead of firstname.lastname @ univ-lille3.fr).
You'll have to choose the good institution in the federation's list.
- « What happens if I work in a different institution now or if I intend to do so ?
You will have to change your institutional address on the platform and use the new institution to log in.
For more question, please contact us at this email address