MESHS Short-Term Fellowships program is a research mobility program financed by the MESHS with the support of "Region Hauts de France".
Short-Term Fellowships program funds research exchanges from 1 to 4 weeks. It targets outstanding experienced researchers from all over the world who seek to engage in research in SSH laboratories, located in Region Hauts de France laboratories. Any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences is concerned.
Applications are submitted by the local hosting researchers and the incoming researchers, who will be hosted in one of our associated laboratories.
The incoming researchers must precise in their application form how they will work with the hosting researchers and integrate local research networks. They must attach a support letter from the hosting laboratory to their application form. Hosting researchers will welcome them and help to their integration.
The maximum allocated budget for each fellow shall not exceed 5000€. The fellowship contributes towards travel costs and subsistence costs.
More information is available in the application form
publication of call for proposals : November 7th 2018
Application deadline : January 14th 2019
Realease of the successful applicants : January 21th 2019
Implementation period : Missions must be carried out between February 11th 2019 and November 18th 2019