This talk examines how Lloyd George’s attitudes to nationalism and imperialism shaped his approaches to the Irish Question, laying the groundwork for his attempts as prime minister of the UK to ‘settle’ the Irish Question in 1921-22. His early career as a Liberal Welsh nationalist was related to what was happening in Ireland and was part of how he thought of the United Kingdom as being composed of four cooperating nations (‘unity in diversity’). It was also connected to his conception of empire as a grouping of self-governing nations. This distinctive background allowed him to negotiate the Irish Nationalist/Unionist divide in creative ways. The settlement he arrived at in 1921-22 had far-reaching consequences that form the background to the current dispute between the EU and the UK over the Irish Protocol.
Paul O’Leary (Aberystwyth University)
Chair: Brian Lowrey (université de Picardie Jules Verne)
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Cette séance est organisée dans le cadre du séminaire "In Search of Britain" organisé par le laboratoire CORPUS (UPJV).
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Cet événement a bénéficié du soutien de la MESHS dans le cadre de l'appel à soutien scientifique ponctuel 2022.